Our favorite shaft company Seven Dreamers knows no boundaries, From Carbon space materials to nasal stents we see their latest contribution to the world with the Laundry Robot the Laundroid and it’s an amazing thing, the prototype was recently unveiled in Tokyo and while it’s work in progress the final product promises to solve the problem of how long it takes to fold laundry and keep them wrinkle free.
Seven Dreamers says we waste nearly a year of our lives folding laundry, president Shin Sakane told the BBC this project had been in the works for 10 years and holds so many secrets for the future in the realm of robotics. The release date for the final version is in 2020 just dump a pile of washed and dried laundry into the Laundroid and it will be able to fold, sort and deposit the clothes in the correct drawer.
must be a slow golf equipment month if laundry inventions are all we get to read about…