The right golf glove is a very important part of your swing. Many people take gloves for granted and buy the cheapest gloves they can find or do not replace their gloves when needed. It doesn’t matter how fast you swing, or how great your clubs are if your equipment twists and turns or slips out of position in your hands.
I’m always on the search for great golf gloves, not only for great grip, but also comfortable feel and durability. I’ve tried many gloves including budget or mainstream gloves but I found many of them lost their shape by being stretched or simply wore out too quickly. Some even became overstretched during the first round of use!
I recently turned my attention to higher end pro gloves including Gold’s Factory’s Favorite with G glove and just the other day I picked up several PRGR Professional Model gloves to try out before deciding whether to add them to our pro shop. These are the same gloves worn by all PRGR pros on the Japanese tour including Hideto Tanihara, Azuma Yano and Erina Hara. As many of you know I am a big fan of PRGR and believe they make some wonderful clubs. So how does their pro model glove stand out?
The PRGR Pro Model Glove is MADE IN JAPAN unlike most gloves that are made overseas in other parts of Asia. The glove is top grade K Soft Cabretta leather. If you had to, you could blow your nose on this glove as it is that soft, though I suggest you don’t try that! (^_^) The first thing I noticed when I got the glove was that the palm of the glove was not smooth like many other leather gloves. It has a pore like design to make the glove more breathable and create extra traction like treads.
The glove is wonderfully stitched and put together with stretchable seams on top of the Velcro clasp as well as to the side of it. This allows you to get a very tight fit size and wear it snugly. Snug it is as it feels like a second skin but is in no way restrictive. Looks wise, its a no frills cleanly designed glove but looks expensive because of its stitching and leather. Price is on the higher side but you pay for what you get here as the glove grips great and so far fits perfectly and just like it did when new, even after 4 rounds and practice time.
So I’ve decided to make these available in the pro shop. The price range make them not for everyone but for those who only want the best premium goods made in Japan, this ultra soft pro glove is definitely worth a try.
Check them out in the pro shop here.