Nike Victory Red VR Driver: More Images + Information!
Information has been coming out slowly about Nike’s 2010 product schedule. Last week Nike Golf had its sales meeting with some of the PGA Tour’s top players like Paul Casey, Anthony Kim, and Justin Leonard.
There are several models rumored to be in the line up, a 400cc VR Tour Driver that will not feature the STR8-Fit as well as 420cc, 440cc, and 460cc head sizes that should feature the STR8-Fit system. We have heard that only the 460 will have the STR8-Fit from some sources but have also heard the 420 & 440 will also have that feature.
The Skinny from Nike is that the connector is now 10 grams less that the previous STR8-Fit which allows more weight to the center of the club vs the heel hosel side. The 400cc Tour version has a traditional pear shape while all other models we are told have a more game improvement design. I dont know how they shaved 10 grams off of that connector.
If it was over 10 grams in the first place it radically changed the parameters the club head was designedfor. IMO this whole adjustability thing is a gimmick and doesnt need to be in the bag of tour pros at all except from the angle of marketing and sales. For the average player yea it’s fun but how often do you use it after the honeymoon period is over? I know with my Dymo STR8 & R9 After about the 2nd or 3rd round of tinkering I was over it.
Quote ” After about the 2nd or 3rd round of tinkering I was over it.”
When you buy a car ….. you care if the seat is adjusted to fit you?
When you buy shoes? …. you care?
How about ordering a meal? …..
Having the ability to tweak a club is great EVEN if you do it once and change back to the original setting
Would you buy a cay with a fixed seat position or go to a restaurant with one meal?
A lot of times new is just marketing – this is not just marketing
Just one man’s opinion but here is my reasoning…
It’s over 10+ grams of mass down the hosel.
I dont need any new variables in my head during the swing.
I would never compare a driver without the option of adjustability to a car with fixed seating or a resturaunt with one dish. The worlds finest and most well balanced drivers are not adjustable.
I don’t own an adjustable driver as of yet but I can offer my humble opionion as to why the market adjustable drivers. I’m a high handicapper and only really get out for 10 rounds a year. I think the option is developed for my demographic where I can just play as apposed to fine tuning and working on my swing. As I pickup lessons and have time to correct my issues I can always set the driver back. I don’t believe I would use it while out on the course and thinking hmmm I want to draw this hole and then change it for the next.
You make a good point poverty i use the dymo 2 str8 fit after a couple rounds you get over it