6000 in only 9 days live!
We want to thank everyone who has supported the launch of GolfToImpress.com, by todays standards 6000 new viewers in the first 10 days of a site is considered a huge success. We would like to thank our readers, our bloggers, and the web sites in our blog roll that have helped us gain the momentum needed to get us fired up about what’s coming next on the horizon for GTI.
Expect Much More…
Over the coming weeks you will meet some of our new experienced hand picked blog team, even an industry insider from Japan who travels on the JPGA tour full time. You will gain access to information about the latest Japanese and high end, high quality offereings from all ends of the golfing world. We will keep you updated with all the newest Tour Issue products on the U.S PGA and cover the most important golf events on TV.
We would appreciate any support you as a viewer can provide, even if its just your opinions and comments on our blog topics. We know sites usually take time to get rolling but with the type of jump start we have just witnessed expect big things in the future of GolfToImpress.
Thank You for your Support!
Congrats on the new website man, I am a fan of your other ones too.
Thanks for your support man!
GTI….First Class all the way, as usual. Thanks for all you do for us Ho’s that are always thirsty for that peak behind the curtain.