Gold’s Factory has been getting lots of press in many of the top Japanese golf magazines lately thanks to their top notch hand made custom putters as well as amazing putter modifications. The latest publication is the very well respected Golf Mechanic which not only talks about the lessons and golf technique but the technical aspects of equipment. The article showcases Gold’s Factory and Master Sasaya’s ability to create a putter or modify a putter to match each specific individual. While putting is very much about feel, golf mechanic talks about how head weight and the right balance in a club can improve each putters stroke and accuracy. It looks closely at how the weight of the head can affect distance control as well as speeds and then how Gold’s factory can modify a putter to not only get its head weight up, but overall weight and balance. Demand these days is huge for services from Gold’s Factory whether it be for custom putters or modifications or hand grinded wedges. As always contact us if you need something done!
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All I know is the Master rules.
My Gold’s Factory Putters are so much better than anything else I’ve tried. Doesn’t matter whose. The quality and craftsmanship are unmistakeable. For me to have a club, any club in the bag for over 5 years is…. pretty much unbelievable.